…where you can find out about the ACT Government archives that form part of our community’s memory.
ACT Government archives document the administration of the Territory since self-government, and also span issues relevant to the local Canberra community before that time. These records document the Territory's heritage, history, social and political life, the rights and entitlements of Territory citizens, and the actions, decisions and interactions of the ACT Government. ACT Memory provides information about publicly available archives and the organisations that created them. You can read more on our About ACT Memory page about what you can (and can’t!) find on ACT Memory.
To search for a record you can browse by category using the 'Browse' drop down list or 'Browse By' topics listed on the left-hand side or by using the 'Search' function at the top of the screen.
We are always adding more information to ACT Memory. We’ve started small, so if you can’t find the information you need, visit our website or get in touch to tell us what you are looking for so that we can help you to find it. You might also find our guide to Government Records about the Australian Capital Territory useful. Or check back here in the future – there are always new and interesting things being added to the database.