Affichage de 55 résultats

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Establishment Proposal files, single number series with 'EC' (Establishment Capital Territory Health Commission) prefix

  • ACT54
  • Série
  • 01 Jul 1970 - 31 Dec 1982

This series consists of Establishment Proposal files relating to Staff and Policy and other matters. They are buff in colour with blue trim.

These files have a long history of being top-numbered from one series to another and back again. In 1974 an EP series was created for establishment files which were top-numbered into the 1977 C series (CRS A2391); then, during 1977, they were top-numbered into the EC single number series (the present series). From 1980 they became an annual single number series with an EC prefix. This series continued until 1987 when all the EC annual single number series files were top-numbered back again into the existing C series (CRS A2391).

Capital Territory Health Commission

Correspondence files, 'A' single number series - Administration of ACT National Fitness Program

  • ACT55
  • Série
  • 1966 - 1975

Files dealing with the ACT National Fitness Program, including the National Fitness Grants Scheme. Files are contained in buff coloured covers with main heading on the front "ACT Health Services Branch, Department of Health". Some files have green binding.
Some files contain only one page.

Australian Capital Territory Health Services Branch, Department of Health

Résultats 11 à 20 sur 55